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Verena Wollnow

Verena Wollnow Sonoun viaggiatore

Anne and me, we used to be collegues in an advertising agency. Now, we are just friends and the 5 days` short trip to Sicily is our first trip together. Usually, we travel with our husbands. We both travel a lot, in Europe and around the world. In Palermo, we will stay f …continua


  • Palermodal 09/02/2020 al 09/02/2020
  • Palermodal 08/02/2020 al 09/02/2020



  • italiano
  • inglese
  • francese
  • spagnolo
  • tedesco

Chi sono

Anne and me, we used to be collegues in an advertising agency.
Now, we are just friends and the 5 days` short trip to Sicily is our first trip toget ...continua


Informazioni generali






Anne and me, we used to be collegues in an advertising agency.
Now, we are just friends and the 5 days` short trip to Sicily is our first trip together.
Usually, we travel with our husbands.

We both travel a lot, in Europe and around the world.

In Palermo, we will stay for 2 nights in an airbnb apartment.

We would like to get a short insight into the most important parts/neighborhoods of the city, with the focus on architecture (churches and palazzi) and art.



Il profilo personale

Il profilo personale è pensato per indicare le caratteristiche più importanti degli utenti e aiutare angeli e viaggiatori con interessi simili e compatibilità linguistica, ad incontrarsi e scambiarsi consigli di viaggio.

Sei un viaggiatore? Consulta il profilo di questo utente e scopri se è l'angelo che fa al caso tuo!