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    Vuoi un consiglio per un viaggio? Trova l'angelo più adatto a te

    Già lo conosci? Cerca per nome

lupo roma

Lupo Roma Sono un angelo di Roma

I do my best to escape daily from the non-adventurous life of a professional employee. I'm passionate for discovering foreign cultures, habits, recipes, places. So if you want to share with me some knowledge about your country, I'll be excited to do the same with you! :) I li …continua

chiedi aiuto


  • turismo accessibile
  • ambiente
  • archeologia
  • architettura
  • arte
  • enogastronomia
  • friendly
  • in giro con bambini
  • in giro in bici
  • letteratura
  • mercatini/shopping
  • musica/spettacoli
  • teatro
  • vita notturna
  • turismo accessibile
  • ambiente
  • archeologia
  • architettura
  • arte
  • enogastronomia
  • friendly
  • in giro con bambini
  • in giro in bici
  • letteratura
  • mercatini/shopping
  • musica/spettacoli
  • teatro
  • vita notturna


  • italiano
  • inglese
  • francese
  • spagnolo
  • tedesco
  • italiano
  • inglese
  • francese
  • spagnolo
  • tedesco

Chi sono

I do my best to escape daily from the non-adventurous life of a professional employee. I'm passionate for discovering foreign cultures, habits, recipe ...continua


Informazioni generali





I do my best to escape daily from the non-adventurous life of a professional employee. I'm passionate for discovering foreign cultures, habits, recipes, places.
So if you want to share with me some knowledge about your country, I'll be excited to do the same with you! :)

I like to overthink, and here is a proof: I Iove doing solo travels.
Why? Because when traveling alone people get off the grid, breaking out of their own mold... and suddenly face the loneliness that we keep away from us thanks to routines, habits and that unhealthy desire to improve ourselves driven by the illusion to obtain a more exciting life.?
While solo traveling, all those false certainties collapses because nothing - nor having conquered "that perfect body shape" or that "huge work promotion" - are enough to face this sense of loneliness. ??Nothing is enough…because actually all your certainties are just illusions.
Humans are lonely for nature, and that’s why we are social animals: because people are the only antidote for that sense of deep loneliness.
While doing a solo travel you realize it. ?And while you experiencing this feeling… by reconnecting to this big truth…curing this feeling of loneliness become your first desire. ?Suddenly you realize that the only solution to cure this condition is to find someone to intensely connect with. Automatically you start looking for ways to connect with the people that surround you… and while trying to figure out how, suddenly you become more active and Mindful.
And that's the magic. That's how you start living again. ??Solo Travellers are the only ones that know the taste life. When people with the same need of curing loneliness meet, and help each other, it comes out a timeless emotion that will still forever.

...isn't this overthinking?


consigliare cose da fare/vedere/mangiare aiutare i viaggiatori nel pianificare il viaggio , accompagnare il viaggiatore in giro per la città offire un caffè o un tè al viaggiatore invitare a pranzo o a cena il viaggiatore


ambiente , archeologia , architettura , arte , enogastronomia , in giro in bici , letteratura , mercatini/shopping , ambiente , archeologia , architettura , arte , enogastronomia , in giro in bici , letteratura , mercatini/shopping














Il profilo personale

Il profilo personale è pensato per indicare le caratteristiche più importanti degli utenti e aiutare angeli e viaggiatori con interessi simili e compatibilità linguistica, ad incontrarsi e scambiarsi consigli di viaggio.

Sei un viaggiatore? Consulta il profilo di questo utente e scopri se è l'angelo che fa al caso tuo!