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let me help u enjoy your stay in Naples

pietro maturi

Pietro Maturi I am an angel of Napoli

ask for a help, open new conversation


  • environment
  • archaeology
  • architecture
  • art
  • wine and food
  • go round with children
  • go round by bike
  • literature
  • shopping
  • music-performing arts
  • theatre
  • night life


  • advise
  • meet
  • to give hospitality


  • italian
  • english
  • french
  • spanish
  • german


29 Mar 16


Ciao! Sono una signora australiana e saro` a Napoli per un mese. Le prime due settimane frequentero` un corse d'italiano di mattima ed ho i pomeriggi disponibili. Le seconde 2 settimane sono libera tutti i giorni.
Vorrei vedere piu` possibile della bella Napoli. Sono molto interessata del lato archeologico e nell'arte. Vorrei visitare Paestum, Caserta, il Parco di Pausilypon, Tomba di Virgilio ecc ecc.
Come posso contattarLa quando sono a Napoli e sarebbe disponibile a farmi da "guida" per qualche giorno?

  • Move
  • To see

Dear Judith,
I am glad to read that you're going to spend a month in Naples and its surroundings. I will be very glad to help you, although I am not staying in town between April 2-15, due to some conferences my boyfriend and I are going to attend In Spain and Tuscany.
Starting from April 16, anyway, I am sure we can arrange a meeting and a couple of trips around town and outside.
I think it'll be easier if you mail me directly at pmaturi@hotmail.com

p.s. if you prefer me to use Italian, just say so. ciao

01 Apr 16


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