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Viaggia pizzo-free e dici NO alla mafia!

Addiopizzo Travel Palermo

Addiopizzo Travel Palermo I am an angel of Palermo

l progetto del turismo pizzo-free nasce da un’idea di Dario Riccobono, Francesca Vannini Parenti e Edoardo Zaffuto, co-fondatori del “Comitato Addiopizzo” e tuttora impegnati a tempo pieno nell’associazione. La loro sfida è coniugare l’attività di volontariato fin qui svolta con …continue

ask for a help, open new conversation


  • environment
  • archaeology
  • architecture
  • art
  • wine and food
  • go round with children
  • go round by bike
  • literature
  • shopping
  • music-performing arts
  • theatre
  • night life


  • advise
  • meet
  • to give hospitality


  • italian
  • english
  • french
  • spanish
  • german

Who I am

l progetto del turismo pizzo-free nasce da un’idea di Dario Riccobono, Francesca Vannini Parenti e Edoardo Zaffuto, co-fondatori del “Comitato Addiopi ...continua


18 Jan 16


Hallo, we are a german couple arriving with costa cruise on above date.
we just want to know whether you can help us with an guide, our interests
are not fixed on a special theme. we would be glad to have somebody on our
side showing us palermo with the eyes of an "palermo". togehter we should have
a lunch and have fun. language could be english or of cause german.
Hope somebody is available.
pls. let me know costs and meeting point
we have seen a tv report of your organisation in german tv and are very much
interested to see your city more privat instead of " a big group" showing us onlx
the "usual"highlights of the city.

  • Move
  • Food
  • To see

Hi Horst and thank you for contacting us.

We would be happy to help you discovering Palermo from a different perspective.
For further details, please take a look at this link http://www.addiopizzotravel.it/default.asp?tour=17
As you can see it's scheduled every Saturday at a reduced price, but it can be scheduled in a different day if it suits you better (by the way, I can't see any date of arrival in your message - can you tell me when are you going to be here?).

Do you need advices on accommodation, what to see, where to go?
We are at your disposal :)

Addiopizzo Travel

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